Christmas and New Year in Shanghai

Posted by on Dec 20, 2016 in Children, Dance, Shanghai, Theatre | No Comments

We dance, wee groove returns to Shanghai in December 2016 to perform at the Himalaya Centre, in Shanghai, for a season of performances over Christmas and New Year, dancing and celebrating with families over the festive period and leading creative workshops with staff at The A.S.K and local schools. An exciting opportunity to build our connections and work in China with the fantastic A.S.K.

Returning to Shanghai with the company are Penny Chivas, Tara Hodgson, and Sergey Jakovsky and welcoming Kieran Shannon.

It was a joyful way to spend Christmas and New Year with our friends in Shanghai and to meet new artists from Shangai and also a fantastic Quebecois company, Samsara Theatre, also touring with The A.S.K.

creative workshop for schools at The A.S.K.

We Dance, wee groove and The A.S.K staff January 2017

drawing workshop at The A.S.K. January 2017

